What is Extract Brewing?

I have lost count of how many times people have said “extract brewing isn’t real brewing”. Apparently if you don’t spend the best part of your day milling, mashing, lautering and sparging to produce your wort then you are cheating. I say if the beer you produce taste great then who cares how you make… Continue reading What is Extract Brewing?

All beer is brewed the same way right? Wrong! Ale vs Lager

Yeast The main difference between Lager and Ale is the temperature in which it ferments and the yeast that is used. Lager yeast is bottom-fermented at temperatures normally between 10-15°C over a longer period of time than Ale, resulting in a clean, crisp, less pronounce flavour. Ale yeast is top-fermented at temperatures between 15-28°C over… Continue reading All beer is brewed the same way right? Wrong! Ale vs Lager