Bottle or Glass. Which is better for drinking beer?

The next time you sit down for a refreshing Lager or Hoppy Ale, try this little experiment.

Pour your beer into a glass and leave one in a bottle. Next take a drink from the bottle and then one from the glass. I promise that you will notice a difference in flavour.

Reasons why you should drink from a glass.

Flavour Profile

Drinking a big hoppy IPA from a bottle is like eating a well done fillet steak.

Brewers introduce flavours to beer to make it taste the best it can, and by drinking from a bottle you don’t get to truely enjoy all those flavours produced from the yeast, hops and grains.

A glass allows you to see, smell and taste the true aroma and flavours.

We also know that foam has a big bearing on flavour as well as the length of time your beer stays carbonated. (Find out more about the perfect pour here) German glass manufacturer Spiegelau have made an IPA glass specifically designed to maintain foam within your glass each time you take a drink from it.

Like with wine, there are different styles of glasses for each type of beer to produce the most flavour out of the beer.


Pouring your beer into a glass also reduces bloating. That feeling you get after a few beers where you feel full. It’s because you are drinking the co2 that’s been trapped in your bottle. Pouring it into a glass will release those gases and make more drinkable beer.